Sunday, June 17, 2012

Things I am learning about Alaska.
  •    People think its ok to mow their lawns at 10pm because the sun is still out.
  • Black out curtains make ALL the difference in a good night’s sleep. Especially for someone like me who needs to feel like Im sleeping in a cave I hate little lights from clocks and things shining in my face.
  • Safeways are called Carrs, which is weird and makes me feel like Im going to by groceries at an auto supply store.
  • People actually leave more than a cars space in-between cars and don’t tailgate due to winter driving habits where doing that could cause a major accident.
  • Mosquitoes are the worst…the absolute WORST
  • Its not out of the ordinary to see a moose standing on the side of the road among all the trees.
  • TREES! There are so many patches of trees and forest areas among houses and living areas its so awesome.
  • No I cannot “see Russia from my house” and I didn’t think I would hear that joke as much as I did moving up here haha
  • Yes you should be very loud and talkative when you are on a walk because you may run into a moose standing in the foliage and you don’t want to surprise any wildlife.
  • They have magpies here not ravens or crows, and there are a lot of them.
  • Buildings may look very rundown and crappy on the outside (due to snow and weather damage) but are really awesome on the inside.
  • People here are SUPER nice and your neighbors really do want to meet you and say hello to you when they see you outside. 

That’s all I can think of right now Im sure I’ll be able to update this more as the weeks go by.

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